Fill in your name and e-mail to watch the free video. I'm on a mission to help artists go from feeling stuck to feeling inspired, so they can paint freely and boldly.
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Hi, I'm Cathy
I am on a mission to help artist that take their art seriously, but feel stuck, go from frustrated, insecure and unmotivated, to skilled, focused and motivated artists with a clear plan to help them find their own voice, so they can paint freely and boldly with confidence, joy and expertise.
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Why did I make this free video?
I am as passionate an art instructor, as I am an artist. Even after 3 years of art school, I still used so much time and effort searching for the skills that would help me paint expressive abstract paintings with ease. When I finally found the answers, all I could think about was that I wanted to help as many struggling artists as I could. Thats why I created this small gift that I hope you enjoy.